Newly Diagnosed or Undiagnosed?

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What is an AiArthritis disease?

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Disease Pages

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OA vs AiA E-Book

Easily accessible resource for patients and care partners to be able to explain Still's Disease during hospital visits and to specialists/new doctor. Now available in French and Spanish.

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Patient Activity Menu

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Disease Pages

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Support Tool

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Podcast Episodes For Understanding AiArthritis When Newly Diagnosed

  • Typical vs. Atypical: Which are you and why does it matter?

    This episode join your host, Tiffany, as she and co-host Deb Constien discuss the challenges faced by patients who experience atypical disease presentations, especially the need to advance our understanding of this phenomenon because the typical is not so typical. This concept is vital for early detection and improving outcomes. They also explore the ways that a lack of commonality among disease presentation and progression impact advancements in treatment options.

  • Autoimmune vs. Autoinflammatory: What's the Difference?

    Autoimmune vs. Autoinflammatory: What's the Difference?

    This episode join your host, Tiffany, and special guest Dr. Apostolos Kontzias from the Center of Autoinflammatory Diseases, as they discuss the distinction between these two sides of the immune system, and the diseases that stem from them. Inconclusive laboratory results, a shortage of experts in the field, and poor understanding of these conditions can cause diagnostic delays, leading to poor outcomes. This confusion also causes patients with adult onset diseases become a forgotten subgroup within the AiArthritis community.

  • "Who Am I Now?" Finding a New Normal

    Join your host, Tiffany, as she discusses the phenomenon of a shifting identity. The way we see ourselves can change radically after diagnosis or symptom onset of an AiArthritis disease. But, as Tiffany points out, “having these diseases isn’t the end of the world. It’s just another way of living in it.” YOU are still YOU ... and you're probably pretty awesome!

  • Global Awareness - Your Story Can Impact Change

    Tiffany Westrich-Robertson and Pooja Panchamia discuss the need for raising global awareness for autoimmune and autoinflammatory arthritis diseases. They talk about the problems patients everywhere face as a result of a lack of awareness of autoimmune and autoinflammatory arthritis diseases. They delve into the benefits that can be gained from online support communities for patients and caregivers. They also discuss how patients can make an important difference, both in management of their own health and in raising global awareness by speaking up.

  • Differentiating Arthritis Types - AUTO + Arthritis = Early Detection, Referrals, Diagnosis Special AUTO Ball Series

    Join patient co-hosts, Tiffany & Suz, as they speak with Dr. Alfred Kim about how the two stakeholder groups can work together to encourage differentiation of arthritis types to increase public detection and referrals to rheumatologists. These efforts could lead to earlier detection and, as a result, quicker diagnosis, higher rates of remission, lower disability, and improved long term outcomes.

  • Disease Elevator Pitches

    In this episode, our co-hosts Leila, Charis, and Patrice put a new topic on the table: how to explain your AiArthritis disease in a 30-60 second elevator pitch. From your workplace to your personal life, our co-hosts will provide practical tips on how to tailor your elevator pitch to different audiences such as co-workers, family, friends or strangers to help you confidently communicate your AiArthritis and advocate for yourself. Join us in this episode to listen to varying elevator pitches as well as have the opportunity to share your own and continue to help us build patient resources!

  • The Whole Picture: Holistic, Personalized Therapy

    We often talk about the importance of Precision Medicine (which involves finding the best pharmacologic treatment for each person’s individual needs), but as we, as patients, identify what works best for our unique needs, we have to consider all options (both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical). Just as with our biologics and other disease modifying treatments - where one works for one person and not the other - we need to think about alternative therapies the same way. For example, just because you “tried diet”, did you try all the diets? We all need to find our own right combination of therapy - but what does that look like to you? In this episode Tiffany, Deb, and Bridget talk about personalized therapy, or complimentary, non-pharmacologic options, that are being researched and added to new recommendations for full disease management.

  • Communicating how it feels to have an AiArthritis disease

    Join co-host, Tiffany, as she discusses the need to communicate what it feels like to have an AiArthritis disease. This is important because too often people living with these diseases are 'invisible', as the pain and other symptoms (fatigue, flu-like systems) usually cannot be seen by others. So how do you explain it? 

  • RheumyRounds: PART ONE The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Improving Office Visit Communication

    During this episode, Kerry Wong and Tiffany Westrich-Robertson are joined by Dr. Lisa Zickuhr, where, together, they share stories of Good, Bad, and Ugly in office communication experiences - with the goal to collect more stories, from YOU! Then, together, patient and rheumatologists will use these stories to develop best practice recommendations to improve patient-rheumy in office communications via a new e-book. In Part One, we focus largely on the good.

  • RheumyRounds: PART TWO The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Improving Office Visit Communication

    During this episode, Deb Constien and Tiffany Westrich-Robertson are joined by Dr. Al Kim ("Al", Tiffany's rheumatologist) , where, together, they share stories of Good, Bad, and Ugly in office communication experiences - with the goal to collect more stories, from YOU! Then, together, patient and rheumatologists will use these stories to develop best practice recommendations to improve patient-rheumy in office communications via a new e-book. In Part Two, we focus largely on the Bad and the Ugly.



Mystery Patient Guide To Diagnosis

A guide for patients by patients to help those who are on the journey of putting a diagnosis to their symptoms.

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Early Symptoms of AiArthritis Study

An investigation into patient-reported symptoms of early disease and onset experiences.

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Undifferentiated Disease

When autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases with inflammation-driven arthritis as a major component are not fully developed, or overlap so that a precise diagnosis cannot be determined, they are often given an "undifferentiated" diagnosis. 

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Podcast Episodes For Understanding AiArthritis When Seeking A Diagnosis

  • The Mystery Patient - How AiArthritis Came to Be

    Tiffany is joined by Kelly to talk about their experience of being Mystery Patients and to share their diagnosis story.  The route to diagnosis and treatment is often long and complicated, but it shouldn't be.  The discussion also gives an overview of the goals of the podcast by giving an overview of The International Foundation for Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Arthritis, what we do, and invites all patients to the table to talk about their experiences as "the mystery patient".

    Aired: November 17, 2019

  • AUTO + Inflammatory Arthritis: Diagnosis, Please!

    Join us for this episode where the co-hosts, Tiffany and Leila, share their personal journeys of being diagnosed with AiArthritis diseases. Tune in to hear how their journey of being diagnosed and misdiagnosed and the lessons they learned throughout the process. 

    We also delve into the exciting new resource tool developed by AiArthritis, which helps patients navigate the process of seeking a diagnosis, understanding symptoms, and asking the right questions of their doctors. Plus, we invite other patients to share their stories and provide insights for those just starting their Auto + inflammatory arthritis journey. Join us for an informative and uplifting conversation on Auto + inflammatory arthritis diseases.

  • I'm a Mystery Patient, Now What?

    Have you ever experienced the frustration of not being able to get a diagnosis, or worse, receiving the wrong one?

    In this episode, our co-hosts Tiffany, Kelly, and Kerry, dive into what it is to be a mystery patient. In addition, they each share their personal experiences of being a mystery patient, and the challenges they experienced with delayed diagnosis. Whether you're a mystery patient or have had similar experiences, this episode sheds light on the lessons learned, triumphs, and struggles that many face and why your story matters. Share your story with us today at and help us all learn more about AiArthritis diseases.

  • Why Won't They Diagnose Me?

    At AiArthritis, we represent those diagnosed, their care partners/support network, and the undiagnosed (often called the “Mystery Patients”). This episode is for those struggling to get diagnosed. Join co-hosts Tiffany, Kerry and Danielle as they share their personal diagnosis struggles and delve deep into the challenges many other patients face on their diagnosis journey. From navigating initial symptoms to facing dismissive healthcare providers due to 'normal' blood work, we're talking about common hurdles that delay diagnosis, then encouraging YOU to share your experiences and perspectives as well. Together, we will create a Patient-Led Guide to an AiArthritis Disease Diagnosis.

  • The need to differentiate arthritis types

    Join your host, Tiffany, as she discusses the need to differentiate arthritis types to address misunderstandings that lead to relationship conflicts and early diagnosis, which can result in compromised quality of life and elevated costs to our healthcare systems. .

  • “Arthritis” Awareness - It’s Complicated!

    In this revisit to the table (Step 5 in our problem-solving process), Tiffany, Katie, Effie, Eileen, and Kerry discuss the many layers around the word “arthritis” including: 1) Misunderstandings around the word that can lead to delays in diagnosis, family and friend judgements, and the different type associated with “AUTO” diseases; and 2) Complexities that exist when trying to identify the AiArthritis from other potential comorbidities (Osteoarthritis, bursitis, enthesitis) and how clarity about this could help with detection, access to the right treatments, and overall better health outcomes.

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